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  1. To promote free and democratic systems, institutions and grassroots activists in Cambodia through local communities, organizations, governments, and institutions, including activities which promote the universal rights and freedoms of individuals in line with internationally recognized human rights which are essential to the functioning of democratic institutions.

  2. To facilitate exchanges between democracy activists, political parties and non-governmental organizations in the United States, Cambodia and other countries.

  3. To promote the Cambodian-American community in the United States and to encourage their participation in non-governmental organizations, democracy training programs and democratic institution-building in Cambodia and within Cambodian communities in other countries.

  4. To strengthen democratic electoral processes and participation in Cambodian elections through timely and strategic interventions in cooperation with existing democratic forces.

  5. To support the participation of American international non-governmental organizations affiliated with political parties in their cooperation with local communities, organizations and governmental institutions in Cambodia that are committed to democracy.


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